Vlasta Jalušič, PhD


Although in times considered normal the quest for truth is not essential in political space; today telling the truth and disclosing facts has become a political act par excellence. As such, the quest for truth is now where the key political battle is being fought. This is not a good sign: It shows that we live in difficult, dark times.
– Vlasta Jalušič, interview in Mladina weekley 2020

Vlasta Jalušič is a senior researcher and one of the founders of the Peace Institute. She has degrees in political science, sociology and fine arts. She earned her PhD in 1996 from the University of Vienna. She is the author of several books, articles, and chapters in books on the women’s movement and feminism, gender and political theory, violence, war and collective crime – and a prominent connoisseur and translator of Hannah Arendt’s works. She was teaching courses and gave lectures  at several universities including the Central European University in Budapest, University Centre for Peace Studies in Austria,  University of Sarajevo, University of Brighton, Autonomous University Madrid, UC Irvine and Princeton University. She was a guest researcher at Free University of Berlin and at the Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna. Currently she lectures on Nationalisms, racisms and the politics of gender at the University of Ljubljana.

A long-time activist against discrimination and gender inequality, she has been involved in international feminist networks and human rights activities for years. Apart from her research work she also carried out several development projects, co-founded a women’s centre in a poor neighbourhood in Kigali, edited two documentary films, and is active in the field of visual arts – painting.


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