• The European network ProsPol ‘Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance’ will hold its sixth meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on March 21, organized by the Peace Institute. The aim of Prospol is to exchange, enhance and compare knowledge about prostitution policies across Europe. Prospol began its activities in 2013 and will continue to provide an innovative platform of exchange to enhance understanding on prostitution policies until 2017. The network, chaired by Dr Isabel Crowhurst (University of Essex), is funded by the European intergovernmental body COST and the University of Essex is the Grant Holding institution.More on the conference is available here.
• On 14 April 2016, the Peace Insitute and the Media Center Sarajevo will organize in Sarajevo a regional round table »How to save integrity of journalism and media? Learning lessons from good practices in protection of media integrity.« The event will gather journalists, media experts and activists from ten countries, covered by the project South East European Media Observatory. The participants will discuss good practices in media policy, anti-corruption framework and in media and journalism practices in the region. The aim is to exchange information and knowledge about good examples – how they are achieved, what made them possible and how their experience can be useful for proposing and advocating media reforms.
• The international conference »Problems and Visions in Social Care« on policy changes, deinstitutionalisation, commercial care industry and many other aspects of social care will be organized by the Peace Institute in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Social Work. It will take place in Ljubljana on 14–15 September 2016. The conference is organized within the framework of the fundamental research project 'Care Work Between Individualization, Socialization and Globalization' and is supported by Slovenian National Research Agency. More on the conference is available here.