
Consultation on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Slovenia and the EU

Consultation on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Slovenia and the EU

NIEM2_logoAs part of the NIEM – National Integration Evaluation Mechanism project, on January 21, 2020, we held an event on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Slovenia and the European Union at the EU House in Ljubljana.

We presented the latest data and information in this area for Slovenia, and a fellow from the Migration Policy Group from Brussels shared with us the results of a comparative study for 14 EU countries. With illustrative infographics, he placed Slovenia in the context of other countries and showed in which areas of refugee integration Slovenia is successful and in which areas significant improvements are needed.

From the perspective of the UNHCR, as the representative told us, the situation in Slovenia is much better than in other countries in the region. However, we believe that – if at all – it is better to compare ourselves with those countries that are more successful in the field of refugee integration and, above all, more inclined to receive refugees than Slovenia.

We are particularly pleased that six women and two men who have been in Slovenia for the last few years have shared their personal experiences with us. Although they have different personal situations and related challenges and problems, they all agreed that it is extremely difficult for refugees to rent apartments in Slovenia. Not only are rental rates (especially in Ljubljana) higher than they can afford, they also tell from experience that owners do not want to rent them at all. They also mentioned the problems that children have at school, including peer violence, the difficulties of adults in education, learning the Slovenian language, employment, and generally the negative attitude of their surroundings, as well as the feeling of unacceptability in society.