30th anniversary of the Peace Institute online exhibition
26. 10. 2021 | Cultural policy, Gender, Human Rights and Minorities, Media, Politics

The thirtieth anniversary of the Peace Institute (PI) coincides with the 30th anniversary of the state of Slovenia. The online exhibition presents the achievements and summarizes the activities that PI has carried out in all these years in the local and international space. As a research and advocacy organization, the Peace Institute is one of the key actors in civil society in Slovenia. It derives from social movements in the 1980s, which also represent one of the sources of an independent state. The question ‘Who are WE?’ (‘Kdo smo MI?’) In the title of the exhibition has a double meaning. It asks about the identity of the Peace Institute and the people associated with it. At the same time, the word ‘MI’ (‘WE’) also addresses the people of this country, which was created at the same time as the Peace Institute. Who we are – today’s state and society, formed in the last thirty years and to which the Peace Institute sets up a mirror through research, persistently drawing attention to inequalities, violations of rights and mistakes. Through the themes it addresses, a portrait of a community is drawn, which is not only beautiful and idyllic, even if some present it that way. As a bad conscience of society and the state, which does not allow inequalities and injustices to be suppressed, the Peace Institute is a source of discomfort and a frequent target of attacks. This is a constant that his colleagues are also constantly facing. At the same time, the online exhibition is dedicated to all those who started and persistently run the Peace Institute.