Conference on Anti-gender in Authoritarian Regimes
26. 6. 2023 | Gender

Mojca Pajnik was invited to attend the international conference »Anti-feminism and Anti-gender Politics in Authoritarian Regimes«, in Marburgu, Germany, June 21-23 2023. In her talk entitled »Anti-gender Mobilization: Defending ‘the Traditional’ from a Post-sexual Imaginary in Central-Eastern Europe« she emphasized populist strategies of anti-gender movement in defending »the tradition«. She analysed how imagining of the tradition, traditional families, values, sexual relations etc. are formed and how they are used to undermine feminist and LGBTQ+ struggle. The conference was organized in collaboration of the Centre for Gender Studies and Feminist Futurology, the Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) at Philipps-Universität Marburg and the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe.