Global history of domestic workers
27. 8. 2015 | Gender

Majda Hrženjak published the paper entitled ‘Slovenian Domestic Workers in Italy: A Borderlands Care Chain over Time’ in the book Towards a Global History of Domestic and Caregiving Workers, BRILL, 2015.
About the book
Edited by Dirk Hoerder, Arizona State University (Emeritus), Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk, Wageningen University, and Silke Neunsinger, Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, Huddinge.
Domestic and caregiving work has been at the core of human existence throughout history. Poorly paid or even unpaid, this work has been assigned to women in most societies, and occasionally to men, often as enslaved, indentured, or “adopted” workers. While some individuals use domestic service as training for their own future independent households, others are confined to it for life and try to avoid damage to their identities (Part One). Employment conditions are even worse in colonizer-colonized dichotomies, in which the subalternized have to run the households of administrators who believe they are running an empire (Part Two). Societies and states set the discriminatory rules, while those employed develop strategies of resistance or self-protection (Part Three). A team of international scholars addresses these issues globally and with a deep historical background.
Contributors are: Ally Shireen, Eileen Boris, Dana Cooper, Jennifer Fish, David R. Goodman, Mary Gene De Guzman, Jaira Harrington, Victoria Haskins, Dirk Hoerder, Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, Majda Hrženjak, Elizabeth Hutchison, Dimitris Kalantzopoulos, Bela Kashyap, Marta Kindler, Anna Kordasiewicz, Ms Lokesh, Sabrina Marchetti, Robyn Pariser, Jessica Richter, Magaly Rodríguez García, Raffaella Sarti, Adéla Souralová, Yukari Takai, and Andrew Urban
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