Intolerance Monitor Report 05
“The principle of the separation of state and religious communities provides that the state is not only religiously but also ideologically neutral. If the state wants to ensure equal treatment and participation of all citizens, regardless of their religion or belief systems and ways of life, it inevitably needs to have neutral position. Otherwise, by promoting any religious or philosophical belief in its’ strategies, measures or laws, it discriminates against those who think differently and their ways of life. “(Introduction ‘Heaven below Triglav’, p. 4)
Heaven Under Triglav
Church, State, Secularity
Srečo Dragoš
Where Does the Law on Religius Freedom Lead Us?
Nina Kozinc
Interprets of Faith
Dušan Rebolj
The Clash of Civilizations and the Blind Spots of the Unspeakable
Ciril Oberstar
Mary With Bomb, Mohamed With a Rat or What Does Christ Have to DO With the Cross
Jasminka Dedić, Neža Kogovšek
The End of the Rule of Law: Legal and Sociological Analysis of the Location of Roma from Ambrus
Lana Zdravković
Barbarians are Comming!
Tatjana Greif
The Whims of the Ljubljana Gentry: Getting Same-sex Partnership Registration Adopted
Milica G. Antić
»Mr. President, Did I Hear the Same Words You Did?«
Darja Zaviršek
The Explotation of Sexual Abuse Intended to Spread Hate Speach: Social Daewinism and Eugenics in the Struggle Against the Sexual Violence Towards Children
Ksenija Šabec
»Wops are Scum, and You, Their Minority, Have It in Your Genes«
Tina Čuček
Slovene MP’s on the Erased: the Analysis of Parliamentary Discussions
Boštjan Nedoh
The Lazy as the Real Core of Post-Fordist Ideology
Boris Vezjak
On Denying Intolerance Towards Homosexual Persons
Thomas Hobbes
Leviatan / Chapter 47. /
Gorazd Korošec
Hobbes’s Critique of Religion, Freedom of Conscience and Tolerance