Labyrinths of Care. The Relevance of the Ethics of Care Perspective for Social Policy
The book introduces the ethics of care perspective that understands the care as a basis of everyday life, of human functioning, and at the same time as a democratic practice. It is a perspective that is useful for theoretical thinking as well as for policy analysis, as demonstrated by the contributions published in the book. Selma Sevenhuijsen presents the basic concepts of the ethics of care, while Vesna Leskošek concentrates on the national programs of social security, combating of poverty and social exclusion. Alenka Švab looks into the conceptual basis found in the family policy included in the »Resolution on the principles of the formulation of family policy in the Republic of Slovenia.« Majda Pahor examines the possibilties for introducing the ethics of care into medical care. Ružica Boškić analyzes the proposal for a new housing legislation from the perspective of the ethics of care.
Selma Sevenhuijsen
The Place Of Care: The Relevance Of The Ethics Of Care For Social Policy
Vesna Leskošek
Care In Social Policy – But Caring For What?
Alenka Švab
Does The State Really Care? The Conceptualisation Of Care In Family Policy In Slovenia
Majda Pahor
Do Nurses In Slovenia Have The Opportunity To Care? Barriers To Nursing Care Becoming A Cognitive, Reflective And Moral Practice
Ružica Boškić
Home Sweet Home! An Analysis Of The Draft New Housing Act Through The Lens Of The Ethics Of Care
Vesna Leskošek
Tracing The Slovenian Programme On The Combating Poverty And Social Exclusion