Seminar »Diaspora engagement in the EU«
7. 11. 2019 | Human Rights and Minorities, Politics

Peace Institute collaborators Lana Zdravković and Alaa Alali, and Humanitas collaborators Manca Šetinc Vernik, Payman Qasimian, Zeinab Manafi and Hasan Hasan attended the all-day seminar »Diaspora engagement in the EU« organized within international project We all need new engagement (WANNE) in the European Parliament in Brussels on 4th November. The questions we have addressed are among others: What are the major challenges facing the diaspora engagement within their communities in the EU, How are NGOs and diaspora organizations addressing these challenges, What are the potential areas of engagement with diaspora within the EU, What are the missing links in harnessing the benefits of diaspora engagement within the EU, How can the EU support the member states, NGOs and diaspora organizations?
The seminar was hosted by Lefteris Papagiannakis (Vice-President of the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR), Chairman of the Greek Refugee Committee and Secretary-General of the Hellenic League of Human Rights), EP Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana (Greens, Germany), and EP Samir Rafael (Democrats, The Netherlands ). Payman Qasimian presented the situation in Slovenia at the panel on social & cultural engagement of diaspora organizations in the EU.