“Here I Am” – Videofilm about Migrants as Active Development Actors
16. 10. 2014 | Politics

Video film is a part of a wider media campaign “Here I am” carried out within the frame of the project “Consistency of Migration and Development Policy Project” aiming to provide, for the first time, a unique opportunity to the project countries (Austria, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia) and to countries of origin, transit and destination to move towards a concerted approach to migration and development. More: www.comide.org.
Watch the video:
- VIDC – Vienna Institute for Development and Cooperation, Vienna, Austria,
- Südwind Agentur – Information and Education about Global Issues, Vienna, Austria,
- Society Development Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia,
- COSPE – Co-operation for the Development of Emerging Countries, Rome/Bologna, Italy
Partly funded by European Commission, DG Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid.