MIPEX – Migrant Integration Policy Index

The project aims to inform and engage key policy actors about how to use indicators to improve integration governance and policy effectiveness. The main objectives of the project are:
– To identify and measure integration outcomes, integration policies, and other contextual factors that can impact policy effectiveness;
– To describe the real and potential beneficiaries of policies in seven key areas, namely employment, education, political participation, access to nationality, family reunification, long-term residence, and anti-discrimination.
– To collect and analyse high-quality evaluations of integration policy effects.

Project execution

The key research outputs will be an interactive website building on the successful MIPEX website and an E-book presenting all the data through easy-to-use country profiles, analysis, and databases. This data will be calculated separately for every country and for each of the seven policy areas.


CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) – project coordination MPG (Migration Policy Group) – coordination of research activities + MIPEX national partners:
Austria Beratungszentrum für Migranten and Migrantinnen
Belgium GERME, Free University of Brussels (ULB)
Bulgaria OSI
Croatia Institute for migration and ethnic studies
Czech Republic Multicultural Centre Prague
Estonia Institute of Baltic Studies
Finland Institute of Migration
France France Terre d'Asile
Germany Boell Foundation
Greece Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy - ELIAMEP
Hungary ICCR Budapest Foundation
Ireland Immigrant Council of Ireland
Italy ISMU
Latvia Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS
Lithuania Lithuanian Social Research Centre
Luxembourg Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés (ASTI)
Malta The People for Change Foundation
Netherlands The University of Maastricht
Poland Institute of Public Affairs
Portugal Centre for Geographical Studies, University of Lisbon
Romania Soros Foundation Romania - OSI
Slovakia Institute for Public Affairs
Slovenia Peace Institute
Spain Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB)
Sweden Swedish Red Cross
Belgium MPG


European Comission