The article by Mojca Pajnik and Majda Hrženjak selected among the achievements “Excellent in Science 2021” by the Slovenian Research Agency

The article by Mojca Pajnik and Majda Hrženjak »Engendering Media Work: Institutionalizing the Norms of Entrepreneurial Subjectivities«, published in Journalism, was selected among the achievements »Excellent in Science 2021« by the Slovenian Research Agency. The selection was prepared by members of the Agency’s Expert Bodies and was confirmed by the Scientific Council of the Agency. The article is the outcome of the research project Gender differentiation in media industry.
Congratulations to our colleagues!
The article brings innovative epistemological cognition and original empirical results about the engendered media systems. Conceptually, the argument focuses on the notions of greedy organizations and entrepreneurial subjectivity, and it shows, based on the empirical analysis of television production in Slovenia, how fear of deteriorating social and economic situation puts pressure on journalists to normalize the demands of greedy organizations and to self-discipline in the subjectivity of hyperproductivity, multitasking, flexibility and constant availability for work. The analysis shows that neoliberal labour market organizations exacerbate male-centered patters of work cultures and reproduce the myths of gender equality and gender neutrality of precarization of work. Despite feminization of journalism it is not recognized in media industries that the orientation towards hyperproductivity excludes social reproduction from the sphere of paid work and makes it a personal and an individual problem, while reducing female journalists to a position of adapting to allegedly gender neutral work patterns.