(Political) responsibility in the age of organised lying
17. 8. 2020 | Politics

Vlasta Jalušič, PhD, will present the paper (Political) responsibility in the age of organised lying on Thursday, 20th August at 6 pm at Festival Grounded (Švicarija, Tivoli).
➡ The existence of our ability to distinguish truth from untruth strongly depends on the way political, public space is organised. Through the concept of organised lying, Hannah Arendt drew attention to the fragile position of (factual) truth in the modern world. Political lying and propaganda are not merely the telling of lies, they are activities that rearrange the world in such a way that distinguishing between facts and lies becomes increasingly difficult, or even impossible. In addition to the question of how far we’ve come on this path, the events of recent years also raise critical questions concerning (political) responsibility.
The lecture will be in the Slovene language.