FOCUS – Fostering Caring Masculinities

The project Fostering Caring Masculinities (FOCUS) aims to examine and improve men’s opportunities for balancing work and private/family life in order to encourage the preparedness of men to take over caring tasks. To reach this goal the project focuses on companies’ framework conditions to perceive and include men as actors and target groups in equality policies. The project is funded through EU’s Community Action programme to promote Gender equality between men and women. FOCUS is connected to one of priority themes of the program, “the role of men in the promotion of gender equality, in particular the role of men and fathers in the reconciliation of work and private life”. The project was initiated by the Norwegian Ministry for Children and Family Affairs who also co-funds the project.
Report available in Acrobat format (pdf)!

Project leader: Majda Hrženjak
Project coworkers: Roman Kuhar and Živa Humer


  • Dissens e.V. (Germany)
  • Jafnsréttisstofa (Iceland)
  • Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet (Norwey)
  • Peace Institute (Slovenia)
  • Universitat de Girona (Španija)


EU's Community Action programme to promote Gender equality between men and women