Visiting Journalists Program

The Visiting Journalists fellowship program provides fellowships for the study visits of journalists from CEE countries and the Balkans to Slovenia. The aim of the project is to inform guest journalists about the media policy, media operation and journalists’ work in Slovenia, and arrange for them short hands-on trainings through which they can advance knowledge and gain experience.

During the study visits to Slovene media companies guest journalists have opportunity to become acquainted with the work of their colleagues – they attend meetings, co-produce field reports, monitor events and co-create articles on various topics.

The program contributes to the professional development of guest journalists on the one hand, while advancing international contacts and exchange of information on the other. In addition, it creates opportunities for future cooperation.

More than 30 fellowships have been awarded since 1997 to journalists from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine and Albania.
