Invitation to the international conference Fathers and Employers in Action
16. 5. 2016 | Gender

You are cordially invited to the international conference Fathers and Employers in Action on 31 May 2016 in Ljubljana in the grand hall at the The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (Dalmatinova 4), in Ljubljana.
The purpose of the conference is critical thinking of relations among fatherhood and the labor market changes. Intensification of work, culture of long and stretchy workdays and insecure jobs, in particular the growing precarity, influence all parts of life. Private, family life is becoming increasingly subordinated to paid work. Integration of these two related parts of one’s life is becoming difficult task of employed women and men. The latter spend more time at paid work compared with women who still do the bulk of care for children and family, and more often than men use measures of work life balance. More men seek equal parental role in the family life, taking over more obligations in caring for children, and are actively looking for opportunities to spend more time with their children. In addition to the individual efforts of men, work life balance depends on the legislative changes, policies that promote fathers’ caring practices and on employers with family-friendly business and organizational culture. What is the role of employers and management of organizations in the implementation of work life balance measures in the working environment? What are the positive effects for employees and employers of the implementation of work life balance in organizations? What measures are needed at systemic and the organizational level, which would enable employed men and women regardless of the type of employment and job position equal division of paid labour and obligations in private, family life?
The international conference is the final event of the project Fathers and Employers in Action – ODA, based on the idea that equal inclusion of fathers in family life and child care is beneficial to all – men, children, women, employers and society as a whole. The project focuses on experiences of fathers in precarious employments and fathers in managerial positions with work life balance. Project ODA is addressing employers with implementation of ”fathers friendly“ measures in organizational culture of four organizations in Slovenia.
Participation is free!
Application forms shall be send no later than 27 May 2016 on the e-mail (
The event will be in Slovenian and English language – translation will be provided.
International conference is part of the project Fathers and Employers in Action – ODA
Project Fathers and Employers in Action is funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.