National report ‘Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities’
18. 12. 2023 | Human Rights and Minorities

The report Building Responsible Actionfor Inclusive Local Communities is the first result of the international project City for Everyone – Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities (CIFER). Its main goal is to address and better understand racism, xenophobia and intolerance towards people with a migrant background in selected cities ‒ Ljubljana, Zagreb, Budapest, Paris and Malmö ‒ and to develop ideas and policies that would contribute to a more inclusive environment in these cities to become “cities for everyone”.
The purpose of this national report is to offer basic knowledge for further activities and comprehensive information about problems in the field of racism, xenophobia and intolerance in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. The report, which pays special attention to the national context of migration and discrimination, is the result of research carried out as part of the CIFER project in 2023. You can find it in Slovenian and English.