Five national reports ‘Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities’
18. 12. 2023 | Human Rights and Minorities

These national reports are the first result of the international project City for Everybody – Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities (CIFER). Its main aim is to address and better understand racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against people with a migrant background in five selected cities ‒ Ljubljana, Zagreb, Budapest, Paris, and Malmö ‒ and to develop ideas and policy measures which would bring about a more inclusive environment in those cities, thus making them “cities for everybody”. The main ambition is to reduce both structural and institutional racism while increasing personal responsibility and agency of local officials in administration, of staff in services and educational institutions and make them aware that it is them who can prevent discrimination and bring about more just policies and equal treatment of the most vulnerable groups in migrant population. Moreover, local target groups should become motivated and active in developing and implementing anti-racist and anti-discrimination policies in the long term. The reports are the result of desk and field research carried out in the framework of CIFER project during its first phase in 2023.