ARVID – Advancing Access to Rights under Victims’ Directive for Persons with Disabilities

The project aims to investigate the level of participation of persons with disabilities in the criminal justice proceedings, in the capacity of victims, as well as the potential problems limiting their full participation and enjoyment of rights. The results of the research will be utilized to: (a) develop and advocate for improved support services for persons with disabilities, as well as all the necessary adjustments; and (b) develop knowledge and tools for the direct use by persons with disabilities who are victims of crime, and by professionals and institutions whose role is to assist them in gaining full access to the rights guaranteed by the Directive 2012/29/EU.

The project encompasses the following activities:

  1. Survey and interviews with persons with disabilities, and with the representatives of the associations representing them, to identify the problems facing these individuals in accessing their rights as victims of crime, and to develop the recommendations on the ways to eliminate or minimize those problems and barriers.
  2. Development of infromation materials for persons with disabilities on accessing their rights as victims of crime.
  3. Development of training modules for: (a) professional stakeholders in the justice system with mandates related to individual aspects of the victims’ rights for persons with disabilities; (b) representatives of umbrella organizations of persons with disabilities, and other organizations supporting persons with disabilities in accessing their rights under the Victims’ Directive. Information modules and materials to be used by ombudsman institutions in HR and SI for informing and training official stakeholders on the rights of persons with disabilities in the justice system will also be produced.
  4. Dissemination and advocacy, including an international conference, meetings with relevant stakeholders in HR and SI, development of information materials and their dissemination in the participating countries and in the EU.


The Croatian Law Centre serves as the coordinator, and the partners are: Ministry of Justice (HR), Ombudsman for Persons with Disabilities (HR), Victim and Witness Support Association (HR), Peace Institute (SI), and ALTRA Association (SI). The project is supported by the Human Rights Ombudsman (SI).


eu logoThe project is financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union, and is being implemented in Croatia and Slovenia.