The Cuckoo’s Eggs – Learning Techniques for Solving the Problems of Youth

The main aim of the project was to give youngsters from Yugoslavia and Slovenia the opportunity to learn about other cultures, to practise tolerance and promote the idea of non-violence, and to transcend the many stereotypes and prejudices that derive from the different societies. The youngsters had the chance to express themselves and their problems and to learn about their own different social and cultural backgrounds. They were able to achieve this by working in a stimulating atmosphere in workshops using different methods (“getting to know each other” exercises, communication, dealing with conflicts, team-building, assertiveness skills, expressing feelings, achieving self-confidence and self-respect).

Project execution

The project consisted of five phases:
1. attracting participants from Yugoslavia and Slovenia (10 February-10 March 2002);
2. the preparation meeting of all partners in Kostanjevica ob Krki (27-29 March 2002);
3. encouraging the co-operation of youngsters using different creative approaches (drawing, theatre, video, dance, photos) (10 March-1 May 2002);
4. a youth exchange camp in Ankaran: working in groups, workshops (1-6 May 2002);
5. presenting the project outcomes at a public event: raising public awareness of youth problems (6 May 2002).

Evaluation of the Project (.doc)



  • Youth Aid Centre Association
  • the REKOS group of the Peace Institute
  • The Let's group (Belgrade)


East East Program: Partnership Beyond Borders (OSI)