Zbornik »Pravni položaj istospolnih partnerstev in starševstva v Sloveniji«

The Legal Status of Same-sex Partnerships and Parenthood in Slovenia

The compendium Legal position of same-sex partnerships and parenthood in Slovenia, published by the Institute for the Culture of Diversity Open, 2015, was created on the basis of a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the Slovenian legal order.

The collection contains a legal analysis of the situation of same-sex partners and their families in the Slovenian legal system. It covers criminal, family, administrative, civil, labor and social legal fields. It notes that there are currently at least 70 laws in Slovenia that contain discriminatory provisions, but do not state any justifiable reason for the distinction. The research was carried out by a professional team of five legal experts: dr. Neža Kogovšek Šalamon, Ph.D. Mojca Zadravec, Nada Perčič and Iztok Štefanec under the leadership of dr. Barbara Rajgelj.

The analysis of the legal situation in Slovenia was created as part of the DIKE project, which is supported by the Legebitra Information Center Association, and the partners in the project are the Institute for the Culture of Diversity Open, the Peace Institute, the Defender of the Principle of Equality (Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities), Institute for Legal Research, Education and Consulting, Landsforeningen for lesbiske, homophile, bifile og transpersoner (LLH) Oslo.