Making the Invisible Visible: Transforming Social Norms among Boys and Men for Gender Justice in Practice
2. 2. 2017 | Gender

The Nordice MenEngage conference Making the Invisible Visible: Transforming Social Norms among Boys and Men for Gender Justice in Practice will be held on 16th February 2017 in Oslo. The social norms and practices of boys and men have a major impact on the lives of men, their families, and communities. The goal of the conference is to share and spread knowledge on how to work practically with boys and men to stop violence against girls, women, and others, and to exchange and develop knowledge on other practical issues in working with boys and men. The conference will cover issues related to masculinities, violence, care, migration and gender equality in the Nordic countries, across Europe and globally.
Majda Hrženjak will present paper Fathering from the margins of late-capitalist labour markets.
Živa Humer and Mojca Frelih will focus on present paper Work-life balance of employed fathers in Slovenia: challenges and visions of pilot experiment in four organisations.
Link to the conference programme.