Evaluation of the Implementation of the Resolution on the National Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, 2005-2013

At the end of the implementation of the first Resolution on the National Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, 2005-2013, its evaluation was prepared. The main aim of the evaluation was to find out whether the goals of the Resolution were achieved through the implementation of measures and activities as set out in the Resolution (evaluation of processes) and to assess the results and impacts of these processes (evaluation of impacts). The evaluation of the implementation of the Resolution on the National Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (2005-2013)(Resolution) followed three main steps: to find out whether the goals were achieved; to assess the results and impacts; and to develop guidelines for expert recommendations for future development of the field. Methodology consisted of document analysis (the Resolution, 4 periodic plans and 4 reports), the analysis of statistical indicators, expert interviews and on-line survey with relevant stakeholders.


Faculty of Social Sciences


Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities