Featured projects
Affective Media: Transformations of Public Communication
The study examines the “affective turn” in the media which has marked a series of changes, ranging from the digitalisation of newsrooms and new forms of employment to the...
Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives (MORE)
The project will examine when and why alternative approaches are or have been implemented and why they have not become the main response to cases of administrative irregularities among...
Analysis of online hate speech and disinformation in Slovenia and development of a proposal for action
Identifying and understanding the phenomena of disinformation and hate speech and other forms of socially unacceptable discourse; and developing appropriate indicators, an index or a model for continuous monitoring.
City for Everybody – Building Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities (CIFER)
To increase the motivation and readiness of local, educational and NGO communities to respond and intervene in cases of racism, xenophobia and intolerance.
FIERCE – Feminist movements revitalizing democracy in Europe
The project’s main goal is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge and tools to revitalize alliance among feminist movement, civil society and political decision makers.
Caring Masculinities in Action (Carmia)
The project deepens existing and develops new perspectives in the Peace Institute's research and activist work on gender equality and masculinity.
Developing bystander responses to sexual harassment among young people
Gender, Human Rights and Minorities | Project duration: 1/9/2016 - 31/8/2018A promising new approach to the prevention of SH is targeting young people as bystanders, inviting them to notice and intervene in SH situations.
The Winning Jumps of Some Employed Fathers
Gender | Project duration: 10/4/2017 - 30/10/2017The contribution of men to gender equality and reconciliation of work and private life.
Care Work Between Individualization, Globalization and Socialization
Gender | Project duration: 1/7/2014 - 1/7/2017The project's point of departure is the shifting responsibilities within the provision of welfare, highlighting two shifts across different welfare regimes
Comparing Croatian and Slovenian Prostitution Regimes
Gender, Human Rights and Minorities, Politics | Project duration: 1/5/2016 - 30/4/2017The research is focused on eliciting experiences of sex workers, as the most important source of information in designing and implementing feasible and effective policies.
Obtaining Political Equality by New Names – OPENN
Gender | Project duration: 1/2/2015 - 30/4/2016Identification of obstacles for women’s entrance into politics and creation of mechanisms of support, new legislation proposals and general public awareness.
Fathers and Employers in Action – ODA
Gender | Project duration: 3/2/2015 - 30/4/2016The project focuses on fathers in precarious forms of employment and fathers at managerial positions at the point of work-life balance, and addresses employers with implementation of ‘fathers-friendly’ measures...
Promote Equal Pay to Diminish Pension Gap, Poverty and Social Exclusion
Gender | Project duration: 3/11/2014 - 29/4/2016The project aims at awareness rising about the impact of gender based pay gap on pension gap and feminization of poverty.
DIKE – Empowerment of LGBT Persons and NGOs for the Elimination of Systemic and Structural Discrimination of LGB People, Enhancement of Active Citizenship, Rule of Law, Democracy and Social Justice
Gender | Project duration: 1/3/2014 - 9/2/2016One of the project activities is the analysis of legal framework that is dealing or should be dealing with the situation of same-sex couples in Slovenia.
Sexuality in Secondary School Students in Slovenia: Behaviour, Health and Attitudes
Gender | Project duration: 1/1/2013 - 12/7/2015The aim of the research project is to conduct the first comprehensive survey of adolescent sexuality and attitudes on a representative sample of Slovenian adolescents aged 16 to 18.
Gender and the Media
Basic objective of the project is to raise awareness on gender equality in the media.