CEINAV – Cultural Encounters in Interventions Against Violence (Violence, Inequality, and Human Rights)

The project takes a dual approach to cultural encounters as they play out in ethics, justice, and citizenship, through a focus on the fundamental rights of women and of children to safety from violence. It will explore both national legal and institutional cultures as they affect practices of intervention, and the growing diversity within European countries, where symbolic boundaries of cultural belonging can define social exclusion and inclusion. Four EU countries – Germany, Portugal, Slovenia and the United Kingdom – will be studied, and differing approaches to the protective role of the state (as expressed in law, policing, and social welfare intervention) will be contextualized in the history of colonialism, democracy, migration, and diversity.

The research will explore on the one hand why, despite an explicit European consensus on stopping violence against women and protecting children from harm, the practices of intervention and the rationales behind them differ between countries, and on the other hand, how policies and institutional practices intended to ensure the “best interests of the child” and the freedom and safety of women from violence may be deployed differently and have quite different effects for disadvantaged minorities within each country. In consultation with 11 associate partners who represent networks of practitioners and stakeholders the project will focus on three forms of violence for which state responsibility is well established: intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect, and trafficking for sexual exploitation. Using paradigmatic narratives, in-depth discussions with professionals involved in intervention will be analysed for their implicit and explicit discursive constructions and normative representations. Exploring the perspectives of stakeholders who work with migrant and minority women and children will illuminate the tensions each group negotiates and through this enrich the debates on multiculturalism and diversity.

The project will also give space to the voices of women and children who have travelled through a personal history of violence and of social interventions. Collecting their stories and working in a creative art process will seek to uncover the potential both of narrative and of visual representation to stimulate the imagination needed to hear different voices and to recognise the agency of victims. Artist-researchers in each of the four countries will integrate creative art and aesthetic education as instruments through which disempowered voices may be heard, creating resources that can be used in change processes.

Comprising innovative methodological approaches, theory-based research and a creative synergy CEINAV will work ‘in between’ research, policy and practice. The project will analyse ethical issues of rights and discrimination, seeking to clarify the implications of European norms and of practices of protection, taking account of multiple and intersecting structures of power and oppression. It will frame an intersectional approach to intervention that recognises the voice and agency of diverse victims. Alongside a set of research papers and scripted videos the outcome will be a document outlining ethical foundations for responsible practice.
More on: http://ceinav-jrp.blogspot.co.uk/


CEINAV PI project team

CEINAV Peace institute (Mirovni inštitut) team after the meeting on 18 May 2015

We are  bunch of joyful  yet  hard working scholars. The group consists of  (from left to right) Vlasta Jalušič (principal investigator), Lana Zdravković (researcher and artist),  Katarina Vućko  (researcher) and  Veronika Bajt, (researcher)  The areas we cover at our institute are political science/theory, racism and nationalism, gender studies, migration and human rights.


  • Book “Interventions Against Child Abuse and Violence Against Women: Ethics and culture in practice and policy, Carol Hagemann-White Liz Kelly Thomas Meysen (eds.), 2019, brings theoretical reflections based on the researching the voices of professionals and of victim survivors in four countries – England & Wales, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. The sections are organised to reflect the overlapping and to multiply linked streams of work and thinking within the project, which mainly focused on the ethical issues emerging from narratives and the ethical dilemmas experienced by professionals, given the different legal and institutional systems, histories and cultural traditions in the four countries.
  • An Anthology of Stories in four languages from England & Wales, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia, “Experiences of Intervention Against Violence, Bianca Grafe, Carol Hagemann-White (eds.), 2016. The stories in the anthology emerged from interviews with women and young people about their experience of intervention when they were escaping a situation of abuse, neglect and/or sexual exploitation.
  • Film “Everything I Told Them (Vlasta Jalušič, Lana Zdravković, 2016, english subtitles, 47 min.) in a documentary manner raises the question of why, despite explicit European consensus on ending violence against women and protecting the children, mediation practices and their justifications differ between countries so much, and how policies and institutional practices that provide both the “best for the child” and the freedom and security of women against violence can evolve differently and have quite different effects for disadvantaged minorities in each country.

Everything I Told Them (Trailer) | Everything I Told Them (Film)


Research teams: PI1 and PL:  Professor em. Dr. Carol Hagemann-White, f., 15.08.1942, USA, Department of Education and Cultural Studies, University of Osnabrück, Heger-Tor-Wall 9, D-49069 Osnabrück, Germany, +49 541 969 4557, ccahrv@uos.de Project blog: http://ceinav-jrp.blogspot.de/ Bianca Grafe, bgrafe@uos.de Prof. Dr. Barbara Kavemann, Barbara.Kavemann@gmx.de P2: Associate Professor Vlasta Jalušić, f., Slovenian,  Senior Researcher at the Peace Institute, Ljubljana and Associate Professor of Political Science at Ljubljana University and University of Primorska, Koper, Mirovni institut - Peace Institute, Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, +386 1 234 77 20, jalusic.vlasta@gmail.com Website: www.mirovni-institut.si Veronika Bajt, veronika.bajt@mirovni-institut.si Lana Zdravković, lana.zdravkovic@mirovni-institut.si Katarina Vučko, Katarina.Vucko@mirovni-institut.si P3: Professor Liz Kelly, f, 22.10.1951, British, Roddick Chair on Violence Against Women, London Metropolitan University, Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, Tower Building, 166-220 Holloway Road, London, N7 8DB, UK,  +44 207 133 5014, l.kelly@londonmet.ac.uk Website: www.cwasu.org Jackie Turner, jackieturner57@yahoo.co.uk Madeleine Coy, M.Coy@londonmet.ac.uk Alya Khan, a.khan@londonmet.ac.uk Nicola Sharp, n.sharp@londonmet.ac.uk P4: Professor Maria José Magalhães, f., Portuguese, Professor and full researcher, Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education of the University of Porto, R. Dr. Alfredo Allen, s/n, PT-4200-135, Porto, Portugal, +351 226079770 / +351 226079700, mjm@fpce.up.pt Website: http://www.fpce.up.pt/love_fear_power/ceinav/ceinav_eng.html Angelica Lima Cruz, angelicalimacruz@gmail.com Clara Sottomayor, sottomayorclara@gmail.com Rita de Oliveira Braga Lopez, ritabragalopez@yahoo.com Raquel Helena Louro Felgueiras, rfelgueiras@gmail.com Vera Inês Costa Silva P5:  Dr. Thomas Meysen, m, 23.10.1967, German, Scientific Director, German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law, Poststr. 17, D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany, +49 6221 9818-10, +49 170 8048528, thomas.meysen@dijuf.de Website www.dijuf.de Janna Beckmann, +49 6221 9818-68, +49 177 5616065, beckmann@dijuf.de   Artist-researchers: Ninette Rothmüller, nirothmu@uni-osnabrueck.de (Germany) Lana Zdravković, lana.zdravkovic@mirovni-institut.si (Slovenia) Iona Roisin, iownaraisin@gmail.com (United Kingdom) Raquel Felgueiras, http://raquelfelgueiras.com/ (Portugal)   Associate partners:   Germany Ms. Eva Kueblbeck, f., German, Koordinierungskreis gegen Frauenhandel und Gewalt an Frauen im Migrationsprozess - KOK e.V., Kurfürstenstr. 33, D-10785 Berlin, +49 30-263 911 76, e.kueblbeck@kok-buero.de Website: http://www.kok-buero.de Ms. Ute Zillig, f., German, Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe, Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V.,DE, Brauweg 57, D-37073 Göttingen, +49 176 2388 5759, uzillig@gmx.de Dr. Monika Weber, f, German, Fachberatung Allgemeiner Sozialer Dienst, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe; German section of the Fédération lnternationale des Communautés educatives (F ICE) e. V, +49 251 591-3632, dr.monika.weber@lwl.org; www.igfh.de   Slovenia Ms. Erica Kovač, f., Slovenian,  President, Association against sexual abuse, Masarykova 23, 1000 Ljubljana, +386 1 43 13 341; spolna.zloraba@siol.net, zd.proti.spolnim.zlorabam@volja.net Website: www.spolna-zloraba.si Ms. Polona Kovač, f., Slovenian, project manager, “Society Kljuc- Centre for Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings”, PO.Box: 1646, 1001 Ljubljana, +386 1 23 22 122, info@drustvo-kljuc.si Ms. Katarina Zabukovec Kerin, f., Slovenian,  President,  Association for Non-violent Communication, Miklosiceva 38, 1000 Ljubljana, +386 1 4344-822, katja.zabukovec@guest.arnes.si   United Kingdom Ms. Sumanta Roy, f., Policy and Research Manager, Imkaan, 3rd floor, Tindlemanor, 52-54 Featherstone Street, London, EC1Y 8RT, +44 7790 566 712, research@imkaan.org.uk; Website: www.imkaan.org.uk Dr. Mwenya Chimba, f., British, Violence Against Women Director, Black Association of Women Step Out Ltd. (BAWSO), 9 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9HA, +44 2920 644633, mwenya@bawso.org.uk; Website: www.bawso.org.uk Janet Johnson and Emma Worthington, Childrens' Services, London Borough of Hounslow, Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN, +44 20 8583 2139, janet.johnson@hounslow.gov.uk; emma.worthington@hounslow.gov.uk   Portugal Dra. Ilda Afonso, f., Portuguese, União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta – Umar, Rua do Paraíso 250, 4000-376 Porto, +351 22 202 50 48, umarporto@sapo.pt Website: http://www.umarfeminismos.org Leonor Valente Monteiro, Advocate, f., Portuguese, Associacão Projecto Criar (APC), Praça D. Filipa de Lencastre, 22, 1° Esq. 4050-259-Porto, +351 22 2017137; +351 934961540, lvm@lvmcf-advogados.com; leonorvalentemonteiro@gmail.com Fernanda Pinto, f., Coordinator, Association for Family Planning /Associação para o Planeamento e a Família (APF), R. Júlio Dinis, 764, 6º Esq. Fte., 4050-012 Porto, + 351 222 085 869, apfnorte@apf.pt Website: http://www.apf.pt


logo_EU_xxs.jpg  hera_logo xxs.jpg This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 291827. The project Cultural encounters in interventions against violence - CEINAV is financially supported by the HERA Joint Research Programme which is co-funded by AHRC, AKA, BMBF via PT-DLR, DASTI, ETAG, FCT, FNR, FNRS, FWF, FWO, HAZU, IRC, LMT, MHEST, NWO, NCN, RANNÍS, RCN, VR and The European Community FP7 2007-2013, under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities programme.