A set of thematic scientific articles ‘Politics and Action’
In the latest English edition of the journal Filozofski vestnik 42/1 (2021), a set of thematic scientific articles by the project researcher team, entitled ‘Politics and Action’, was published. Published texts are: Arendt, Koselleck, and Begreifen: Rethinking Politics and Concepts in Times of Crisis, Vlasta Jalušič; Arendt’s Break with the Liberal Imaginary of Society, Gorazd Kovačič; The Concept of Emancipation as Political Action (Marx, Arendt, Rancière), Lana Zdravković; “To Act or Not to Act”: Arendt, Hegel, and Shakespeare on Action, Mirt Komel; Towards Biopolitics beyond Life and Death: The Virus, Life, and Death, Toni Čerkez, Martin Gramc. The texts are publicly available here.