Featured publications
Birgit Sauer, Daniel Thiele, Iztok Šori et al.
Article / Borderless fear? How right-wing populism aligns in affectively framing migration as a security threat in Austria and Slovenia
2024 | Other publishers
The findings point to a worrying convergence of anti-migration discourse across borders and to the potential spread of a right-wing populist bloc unified by fear of migration.
Book / Ethnic Discrimination: Strategies of Research and Measurement
2023 | Other publications
The book presents in detail and critically evaluates different ways of “measuring” ethnic discrimination, breaking new ground in the field of empirical data collection on unequal treatment as well...
Article / Legislative and Judicial Responses to the “Refugee Crisis” in Slovenia and Austria: A Comparative Perspective
2023 | Other publishers
In the last issue of the journal ‘Dve domovini/Two Homelands’, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon compares the key normative approaches to responses to the 2015–2016 “refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria.
Mojca Pajnik, Rok Smrdelj (FA, UL)
Article Intersectional representation in online media discourse: reflecting anti-discrimination position in reporting on same-sex partnerships
2022 | Other publishers
Taking the example of online media reporting on same-sex partnerships in Slovenia, the authors analyze how power relations are reinforced when one type of media discourse fails to acknowledge...
Brankica Petković, Sandra Bašić-Hrvatin
Characteristics of propaganda-oriented media systems
2022 | Other publications
A detailed presentation of how propaganda-oriented media systems work and why it is necessary to oppose them is presented in the following analysis.
Wage work. Critique of theories of precarity
2022 | Other publishers
Extracting the concepts of class structure, co-exploitation, surplus exploitation and unfree wage labour.
Imagi_nation. Civil Identities and Rights in European Nation-States: Securing the Rights of Migrant Workers as a Contribution for Sustainable Peace-Building
Lana Zdravković (ed.)
This publication presents several insights into the mechanisms and procedures that form national identity and examines how they affect the broader political processes that shape democracy.
Obrazi homofobije [The Faces of Homophobia]
Neža Kogovšek Šalamon, Roman Kuhar (FA, UL), Simon Maljevac et al.
The book addresses the structural and social dimensions of the hatred against gays and lesbians.
The Door is not Completely Open (They Need to be Pushed in Order to Open)
Majda Hrženjak, Vlasta Jalušič
The book deals with quasi endless complexity positions of inequality, takes it into the single parts and makes it understandable.
At the Crossroads of Discrimination. Multiple and Intersectional Discrimination
Discrimination is often a result of co-effects of several factors, which create a new “content of discrimination”.
The Scars of the Erasure
Brankica Petković, Jelka Zorn, Lana Zdravković et al.
A contribution to the critical understanding of the erasure of people from the register of permanent residents of the Republic of Slovenia.
Evil of Thoughtlessness. Arendtian Exercises in Understanding Post-totalitarian Times and Collective Crimes
What have in common mass killings in Srebrenica, erasure of thousands of permanent residents of Slovenia) and the genocide in Rwanda?
Prostitution And Human Trafficking. Gender, Labor And Migration Aspects
The author adopts an original approach to problematizing dominant representations about prostitution and trafficking in human beings, thus opening new avenues of thought.
About Discrimination. Manual for Journalists
Brankica Petković, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon
The manual was published in 2007 as a part of the project 'Anti-discrimination training for the media and gender'.
Beyond the Pink Curtain. Everyday Life of LGBT People in Eastern Europe
Judit Takács, Roman Kuhar (FA, UL) (eds.)
The idea of this book was born in the Intimate/Sexual Citizenship conference in October 2005 in Ljubljana.
Intolerance Monitor Report 05
Roman Kuhar (FA, UL) (ed.)
Analysis of the freedom and equality of religious and nonreligious choices in Slovenia.