Discussing the Transatlantic Gap: The Future of Euro-American Relations

Discussing the Transatlantic Gap: The Future of Euro-American Relations

Namen knjige je predstaviti različne produktivne prispevke za razumevanje sedanje čezatlantske situacije, ne glede na razlike v političnih dispozicijah, razmišljanjih, tradicijah in pričakovanjih v prihodnosti. Te bodo ostale pomembna ne glede na to, kateri  politični akterji bodo vodilni.
Gorazd Kovačič
Introduction: The Transatlantic Debate Between Power and DeliberationDavid P. Forsythe
The U.S. and Trans-Atlantic Relation: On the Difference Between Dominance and Hegemony 

Ulf Hedetoft
Different Empires: Regionalization vs. Global Hegemony in Transatlantic RelationsTomaž Mastnak
Hostes Humani Generis?

Albert F. Reiterer
Soft Imperialism: European Identity, the Concept of the “Law of Peoples,” and the Political World System

Maurizio Vaudagna
Citizenship, Welfare and the State in the Controversy over “the Widening Atlantic”