Featured publications
Article / Authoritarian populism and structural limitations on journalism in selected European countries
2024 | Other publishers
A comparative article on the structural limitations of authoritarian populism on journalistic practices in Eastern and Central Europe.
Vlasta Jalušič (ed.)
Book / What Kind of Government? Rethinking Contemporary Forms of Government after the Break in Tradition
2024 | Other publishers
Springer has published the book What kind of government? Rethinking Contemporary Forms of Government after the Break in Tradition, edited by Vlasta Jalušič and Wolfgang Heuer.
Birgit Sauer, Daniel Thiele, Iztok Šori et al.
Article / Borderless fear? How right-wing populism aligns in affectively framing migration as a security threat in Austria and Slovenia
2024 | Other publishers
The findings point to a worrying convergence of anti-migration discourse across borders and to the potential spread of a right-wing populist bloc unified by fear of migration.
Book / Ethnic Discrimination: Strategies of Research and Measurement
2023 | Other publications
The book presents in detail and critically evaluates different ways of “measuring” ethnic discrimination, breaking new ground in the field of empirical data collection on unequal treatment as well...
Article / Legislative and Judicial Responses to the “Refugee Crisis” in Slovenia and Austria: A Comparative Perspective
2023 | Other publishers
In the last issue of the journal ‘Dve domovini/Two Homelands’, Neža Kogovšek Šalamon compares the key normative approaches to responses to the 2015–2016 “refugee crisis” in Slovenia and Austria.
Mojca Pajnik, Rok Smrdelj (FA, UL)
Article Intersectional representation in online media discourse: reflecting anti-discrimination position in reporting on same-sex partnerships
2022 | Other publishers
Taking the example of online media reporting on same-sex partnerships in Slovenia, the authors analyze how power relations are reinforced when one type of media discourse fails to acknowledge...
Razor-Wired. Reflections on Migrant Movements through Slovenia in 2015
Neža Kogovšek Šalamon, Veronika Bajt (eds.)
The goal is to present facts, explain changes in state policies and procedures used to “process” the refugees, and to analyse state, media and the general public’s responses.
Racism: A Divided World, thematic issue of the ČKZ
Ana Frank, Iztok Šori, Mojca Frelih et al.
In this issue of ČKZ, we reveal the masks of racism and draw attention to its vitality and omnipresence.
Public Debt: Who Owes Whom
Maja Breznik, Rastko Močnik (eds.)
The book shows how the current high indebtedness of some countries developed and how it could be eliminated without sacrificing the gains of social struggles in recent centuries.
Feminism and Islam. Turkish Women between the Orient and the West
The author presents the critical views of women themselves, thereby unveiling the critical potential of plural life in Turkey.
Imagination Castrated: Critical Rethinking of the Civil Society (Organisation) in Contemporary Society
Lana Zdravković (ed.)
The publication brings together texts – the products of the debate on the civil society condition today.
War and Peace. Reflections of the Last Twenty Years
Vlasta Jalušič (ed.)
The critical views on the functioning of the Institute, questions of war and peace in the former Yugoslavia and contemporary problems intermingling of peace and war.
Precarious Migrant Labour Across Europe
Mojca Pajnik (ed.)
In this collection of papers various authors explore current trends of labour market stratification in relation to migration and integration policies in European societies.
Re-invention of America
Tonči Kuzmanić (ed.)
The chosen theme is extremely important for understanding the present phase of the global economy and world order in which they wiggle their own economic foundation.
Do Good Fences Make Friendly Neighbor? Inclusion and Exclusion in and on the Borders of Europe
Texts by authors from different parts of the world, having a common topic of border regimes, migrations, asylum, trafficking, friendly neighborhood policies, cultural differences and Islam.
Post-Fordism. Discussions on Contemporary Capitalism
Gal Kirn (ed.)
The book is the result of theoretical work, which began in 2004, when the Workers' Punk University (WPU) organized a year on the topic of post-Fordism.