Knjiga / Prostitution in Croatia and Slovenia: Sex Workers’ Experiences
Knjiga Prostitution in Croatia and Slovenia: Sex Workers’ Experiences (ur. Ivana Radačić & Mojca Pajnik) je izšla v sozaložništvu Inštituta društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar in Mirovnega inštituta.
Knjiga obravnava podobnosti in razlike v režimih prostitucije v dveh post-socialističnih državah, v katerih je prostitucija tabuizirana in marginalizirana tema, v javnem in tudi v raziskovanju. Poglavja v knjigi analizirajo okvirjanje prostitucije v pravu in javnem diskurzu, pri čemer v ospredje postavljajo narative seksualnih delavk. Z obravnavo njihovih izkušenj in mnenj, pridobljenih z intervjuji, na podlagi intervjujev z nekaterimi strokovnjaki in analize številnih virov poglavja obravnavajo politike s področja prostitucije, življenjske poteke in delo seksualnih delavk, njihove odnose s strankami, policijo in zvodniki. Knjiga obenem prinaša priporočila za oblikovanje in implementacijo politik, ki bodo upoštevale glasove seksualnih delavk_cev in dobre prakse, ki jih zagovarjajo nekatere mednarodne organizacije, ki delujejo na področju pravic seksualnih delavk_cev.
Iz recenzij
“Monografija je izvirno znanstveno delo, temelječe na vključujočem raziskovanju, ki je s tem, ko je dalo glas subjektom raziskovanja, omogočilo tudi raziskovalkam, da so prestopile meje ustaljene vednosti in prispevale nove poglede na prostitucijo in seksualno delo ter odprle polje premisleka tako v znanosti, raziskovanju in družbenih gibanjih kot v politikah.” – Vesna Leskošek, Fakulteta za socialno delo, Univerza v Ljubljani
“This edited volume is the first systematic socio-legal study of sex work in Croatia and Slovenia. It not only complements the existing public health (Croatia) and sociological (Slovenia) insights about the phenomenon in the two countries but provides a rich sociocultural and socioeconomic context of the experience of sex work / prostitution for future research. (…) In the context of international research, the book should be consulted for systematic and instructive insights into the phenomenon of sex work in a post-transitional European region.” – Aleksandar Štulhofer, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
O knjigi
“Academics, activists and sex-workers will find this book informative and thought provoking regardless of their pre-conceived beliefs about prostitution. While ideological positions which represent sex work as either forced or freely chosen often frame prostitution research, the research which underpins this book avoids such simplistic dichotomies. The authors offer a nuanced qualitative analysis of sex-work law, policy and experiences in Croatia and Slovenia, two EU states where evidence-based policy making on sex-work is sorely lacking.” – Carol Harrington, Victoria University of Wellington
“Prostitution in Croatia and Slovenia is a must read for anyone wanting to learn about sex work in the Balkans. It is a much needed book in light of the marginal status of sex work research, and dearth of official data and studies of sex work in both these countries (…) It is refreshing to read a book attempting to move ‘beyond the binary’ of theoretical approaches (…) in an attempt to foreground the lived realities of people who sell sexual services in Croatia and Slovenia. Another strength of the book is the production of research knowledge which is policy relevant; the authors make a range of recommendations informed by their findings and make a case for future polices and service provision which is informed by the needs of sex workers and are inclusive of sex workers’ own experiences and views.” – Rosie Campbell, University of Leicester and University of York
Za naročilo knjige (cena je 20 evrov) pišite: Mirjana.Paic-Jurinic@pilar.hr